
Cristmas tree from 戌屋 [INU-YA]


ツリーの頂上にある丸い光の玉をクリックしていただきますと細かい光のパーティクルが発生します。再度クリックしていただきますと止まります。編集・トランス可 10プリムでL$100となっておりまして、おまけに卓上用ミニチュアツリー(こちらはトランスのみ可能)を同梱させていただきました。

現物は+SugarCoat+ 本店内戌屋[INU-YA]に展示しておりますので、ご覧下さい。

[INU-YA] released sculpted christmas tree(L$100 mod,trans OK/copy NO). A small cristmas tree(trans OK/mod,copy NO) is also included.

Click the light on the top of the tree, particle ON. To stop the particle, just click the light again.

[INU-YA] is at the corner of +SugarCoat+ main shop.

戌屋[INU-YA]+SugarCoat+ Main shop


Lucky board of *Red wings from INU-YA.

Receiving the request from the customers, I put the LB of redwings again at the +SC+mainshop 2 more days.(Nov.1st to Nov.3rd PDT) The initial changes every 10 minutes.


Please come to the shop and get your prize :) Thank you.


I have removed the LB (Nov. 4th) I will not have a plan to extend the period of LB.
Thank you :)

 戌屋[INU-YA]+SugarCoat+ Main shop